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Acta Odontológica Venezolana

Print version ISSN 0001-6365


DEL VALLE, Sol C; GARCIA-AROCHA, Raúl; BELLORIN, Ma. Herminia  and  LOPEZ, Patricia. Uso de la regeneración ósea guiada (rog) con membranas biodegradables de co-polímeros en cirugía bucal para reparar defectos óseos: estudio clínico de 30 meses de seguimiento postquirúrgico. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2010, vol.48, n.1, pp.31-36. ISSN 0001-6365.

Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is frequently used to treat bone defects, however, most of the membranes degrade before bone healing has occurred permitting soft tissue invasion into the desired bone chamber. The aim of this clinical trail is to evaluate the efficacy of using a biodegradable co-polymers membrane and tacks system in patients with bone defects or need of maxillary sinus lift for implant placement with a long term clinical and radiographically follow up. All patients included in this study had the necessity of guided bone regeneration. 15 patients consisted of bone defects or the need of maxillary sinus lifting, with an age range of 19 to 49 years of age with an average of 34 years old. There were 8 females and 7 males. In all cases, we used biodegradable co-polymers membrane and tacks system that gets soft when applied but becomes rigid in-situ after approximately 15 minutes allowing the new bone cicatrization because it becomes a barrier for the bone grafting material, 7 patients underwent surgery for maxillary sinus lift and the other 8 for bone defects. Patients were followed clinical and radiographically during 3 to 6 months intervals up to 30 months between  2005 - 2007. A longitudinal study was performed by checking the patients clinical and radiographically during a continuously period of time up to 30 months postoperatively. 5 patients had partial membrane exposure, one of them was kept in clorhexidine mouth rinses and irrigation until secondary healing was accomplished. 2 patients were treated by cutting and trimming the membrane edges in order to get full mucosa coverage and it was obtained in 2 weeks after this procedure. In 2 cases the flap open totally and we had to remove the membrane. The rest 10 of the 15 patients healed uneventfully. The percentage of success using the biodegradable co-polymers membrane and tacks system was 66,7% . This biodegradable co-polymers membrane and tacks system does not require a secondary surgery for removal. The cases of exposure of the membranes were managed immediately using antibiotics and local rinses with adequate healing and happened in onlay grafting defects. Adequate bone healing was seen in all patients, clinical and radiographically after three, twelve, twenty and thirty months follow up. The use of biodegradable co-polymer membrane and tacks is predictable and has very few complications

Keywords : Biodegradables co-polymers membranes; dentoalveolar surgery; bone defects treatment; bone healing and reabsorbables membranes; sinus lift for implants; implants and membranes.

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