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vol.48 issue1Uso de la regeneración ósea guiada (rog) con membranas biodegradables de co-polímeros en cirugía bucal para reparar defectos óseos: estudio clínico de 30 meses de seguimiento postquirúrgicoInfluence of different light intensities on the bond strength of an adhesive system using a fluorescent dye for its observation author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Acta Odontológica Venezolana

Print version ISSN 0001-6365


LEON MARTINEZ, Nancy. Caracterización de la salud ocupacional en el personal de asistentes dentales de la facultad de odontología de la universidad central de venezuela. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2010, vol.48, n.1, pp.38-43. ISSN 0001-6365.

The present study was carried out identify knowledge of the auxiliary personal of the Deontology Faculty of Central Venezuela University about occupational risks, effects and prevention norms. The study is descriptive and transversal type. The sample comprised of 35 dental auxiliary. The results provide and evidence that the Faculty of Central Venezuela University no comply whit the legal norms in the country of the aspects that occupational risks, notify, effects and prevention norms, and following of health intervening pre employing, and tutorials exams

Keywords : Occupational risks; notify; effects; prevention norms.

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