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Acta Odontológica Venezolana

Print version ISSN 0001-6365


ANTUNEZ DE MAYOLO KREIDLER, Martín  and  BATISTA DE OLIVEIRA JR, Osmir. Influence of different light intensities on the bond strength of an adhesive system using a fluorescent dye for its observation. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2010, vol.48, n.1, pp.45-50. ISSN 0001-6365.

The purpose of this study was to use a fluorescent dye and CLSM microscope to observe the effect of different light intensities on dentin tensile bond strength.  Flat dentin surfaces were created on 16 intact human third molars and divided in 4 groups: Group G1 - halogen - KM -200R®; Group G2 - LED - Ultraled®; Group G3 - LED - UltraLume LED5® and Group G4 - LED - Biolux Single V®.  For all the groups, the restoration procedure used Single Bond® adhesive, mixed with rodamin B and InTen-S® composite resin.  Then, they were cut on serial sections to obtain 1 mm2 area and submitted to micro tensile test and after words, the fractures were analyzed with a digital microscope and CLSM.  The statistical analysis showed that all in all groups, except Group G2, which had a significant smaller tensile bond strength ratio. The fracture mode analysis showed that there were significant differences when comparing groups G1 / G2, and G2 / G4.  There is no evidence of relevant differences among the other groups. With these results, we conclude that the use of fluorescent dye and CLSM demonstrated to be a simple and nondestructive technique, and that there are evidences that light intensities influenced the dentine tensile

Keywords : Dentin-Bonding Agents; Tensile Strength; Microscopy; Confocal.

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