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Acta Odontológica Venezolana

Print version ISSN 0001-6365


GONZALEZ, José Maria et al. Neuralgia del Glosofaríngeo y Examen Neurológico: Revisión Bibliográfica. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2010, vol.48, n.1, pp.143-148. ISSN 0001-6365.

Many had been the studies maked for determinate the prevalence of the facial’s pains that affect each day diverses patients in the world. In results its determined that one of the nerve most affected is the cranial V Pair or Trigeminal Nerve (Nervus trigeminus) and the Cranial XII Pair or Facial Nerve (Nervus facialis), however, have been demostrated that in the rest of cranials pairs lesions have been manifestations that should have the same importance for the dentist, because they belong to their work camp. The present bibliographic review is maked for given to know an affection that presents in adjacent zones of the bucal aparate knowing like Glossopharyngeal (Nervus glossopharyngeus) Neuralgy, where the patients refiere pain in the ear, posterior zone of the tongue, tonsil fosse, mandibule angle, presenting as an intensive pain, shooting that would endure seconds to minutes. This makes clear generally on eating, talking, coughing, etc. Its necessary to realize some blood’s test and imagenology to determinate the origin of the disease and with that to obtain delete the cause of that lesion

Keywords : neuralgy; IX cranial pair; glossopharyngeal (glossopharyngeus).

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