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Agronomía Tropical

versión impresa ISSN 0002-192X


GIL, José Alexander; KHAN P., Luis  y  HERNANDEZ, Ana. Arenas de río procesadas como filtros de riegos localizados. Agronomía Trop. [online]. 2002, vol.52, n.4, pp.463-483. ISSN 0002-192X.

SUMMARY     Sand filters are part of the filtrating system of the localized irrigation systems and they retain organic and inorganic particles, however their main use is in separating organic particles. Traditionally, these filters have been imported, mainly from Israel and they bring along the sand or filtering bed with them. In Venezuela, several companies that produce gravels for filters exist. One of them is in the West of the Lake of Maracaibo, State Zulia, but the most important company is located on Tonoro river, to the West of the State of Monagas. The main objective of this work was to carry out a study to evaluate the applicability of these gravels in filters for trickle irrigation and to grade them as to their qualification based on physical properties and hydraulic behavior. In accordance with the results obtained, gravels 16-20, 12-18 and 12-16 produce by Arenas Procesadas Oriente from Rio Tonoro, can be used in gravel filters for trickle irrigation.

Palabras clave : Sand; filters; trickle irrigation; Monagas; Venezuela.

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