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Agronomía Tropical

Print version ISSN 0002-192X


MONASTERIO, Pedro et al. Influence of the precipitation on maize yield: case white grain hybrids. Agronomía Trop. [online]. 2008, vol.58, n.1, pp.69-72. ISSN 0002-192X.

Regional uniform tests with white maize, Zea mays L., hybrids (URTsWMH) were evaluated during seven years in the field of the Local Experimental Station of Yaritagua, INIA Yaracuy, located in El Rodeo municipio Peña, of Yaracuy state, at 10º 04’ N, 69º 70’W, and 325 mosl. Maize grain yield (kg ha-1) of these test, Precipitation (P) and Evapotranspiración (ETP) registered in the location formally described, were used to determine the influence of the rain distribution on the yields of the maize cultivars evaluated in the URTsWMH during the period 2000-2006. Soil water level at 20 cm depth was calculated and the ETP was obtained with the Hargreaves y Samani (1985) formula. The year with the lowest mean yield (5.900 kg ha-1) was 2005, with a rainfall of 174,2 mm in the critical period and 521,6 mm during the total period of the crop, meanwhile the year 2004 showed the highest yields (8.300 kg ha-1), with 315,2 mm of rain in its critical period and 866,9 mm during the total period of the crop. The years with highest productivity, corresponded to those who received higher P during preblooming, blooming and grain full (critical period) and viceversa. The year that showed the highest level of productivity also presented a better rainfall distribution during the total crop cycle. These results suggest that the maize yield obtained in this study depended on the amount of rain that occurs during preblooming to grain full period.

Keywords : Rain distribution; yield; hybrids.

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