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vol.51 número3Utilização de diferentes concentrações de ferro por adolescentes grávidas também suplementadas com zinco e ácido fólicoSerum lipids and lipoprotein levels in Costa Rican 13-18 year-old teenagers índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición

versión impresa ISSN 0004-0622versión On-line ISSN 2309-5806


NOGUEIRA-DE-ALMEIDA, Carlos A et al. Growth and hematological studies on brazilian children of low socioeconomic level. ALAN [online]. 2001, vol.51, n.3, pp.230-235. ISSN 0004-0622.

Anemia and undernutrition are common all over the world, especially in less developed countries. The relationship between low weight, short stature and iron deficiency should be better understood so that appropriate measures might be taken to prevent these problems. A total of 115 institutionalized children aged 12 to 72 months were studied in day-care insitutions in the town of Pontal, Southeastern Brazil, during the second semester of 1999. Personal data, weight, height and hematological profile were obtained from all subjects. Food intake was evaluated in 20 children by a direct food-weighing method. The prevalence of low weight for age (2.6%), low weight for height (1.7%) and low height for age (4.3%) was considered low. Anemia was observed in 68.7% of the children. Diet was found to be adequate in terms of the major nutrients evaluated, but food iron supply was of low bioavailability. In conclusion, the population studied revealed a peculiar behavior i.e., the coexistence of fairly good anthropometric nutritional status along with iron-deficiency anemia. The prevention of this kind of malnutrition cannot be limited to an adequate calorie/protein supply but should also be based on the correction of the severe iron deficiency present in this low socioeconomic level preschool children in Brazil.

Palabras clave : Anemia; malnutrition; children; alimentation; nutritional status; iron deficiency..

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