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vol.51 número3O processamento doméstico do feijão-comum ocasionou uma redução nos fatores antinutricionais fitatos e taninos, no teor de amido e em fatores de flatulência rafinose, estaquiose e verbascoseInefficacy of cooking methods on mercury reduction from shark índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición

versión impresa ISSN 0004-0622versión On-line ISSN 2309-5806


OLGUIN, M.C; ZINGALE, M.I; REVELANT, G.C  y  VIGNALE, M.E. Actividad ureásica en productos de soja: Propuesta de un nuevo método. ALAN [online]. 2001, vol.51, n.3, pp.284-287. ISSN 0004-0622.

Ureasic activity in soy products. Proposal of a new method. The evaluation of residual ureasic activity in soy products is usually employed as an indicator of the efficiency of the inhibition treatments. The purpose of this study is to compare the AACC method (22-90), based on differences of pH, with an assay where ureasic activity is measured by its hidrolitic action on urea and quantification of the ammonium produced with Bethelot reaction. Twenty different samples of soy bean flour with and without thermal inactivation treatments were assessed with the two methods. The new method has a good correlation with that of the AACC - r = 0,9416 (p < 0.0001). It also presents a better specificity because it measures the concentration of the reaction product and shows a more amplified answer than the increase of pH.

Palabras clave : Soybean flours; antinutrients; urease activity..

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