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Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición

versión impresa ISSN 0004-0622versión On-line ISSN 2309-5806


FIGUEROA CARDENAS, Juan de Dios et al. Fortificacion y evaluacion de tortillas de nixtamal. ALAN [online]. 2001, vol.51, n.3, pp.293-302. ISSN 0004-0622.

Fortification and evaluation of the nixtamal tortillas. The effect of the addition of vitamins and soy protein on the quality characteristics of nixtamal tortillas (TN) and the losses of nutrients during the nixtamalization process were evaluated. Vitamins (0.15% as is) and defatted soy (4% as is) were added to the tortillas without affecting their sensory characteristics. Higher values of those nutrients had a negative effect on the color and flavor of the product. During the production of the tortilla the corn lost approximately 1.5% of proteins. The nixtamal tortilla fortified with 4% of defatted soy (TNS) showed 3% higher protein content than the TN. The calcium content in the samples was 7.7,114 and 212.5 mg/100 g for the corn, the TN and the TNS respectively. In the process of produccing the nixtamal tortillas from corn 28.9% of the niacin, 46.3% of the folic acid, 36.3% of the thiamin and 80% of the riboflavin were lost. During the washing and rinsing of the nixtamal there were losses of 18.2% of the thiamin, 16.6% of the riboflavin and 20.7% of the folic acid. Although the niacin showed a 28.9% loss, the alkaline process caused an important release of that vitamin. The losses during the cooking of the tortillas were high especially for riboflavin which showed a total loss of 80% in comparison with the original corn. Of the total, 63% was lost during cooking and 16.6% was lost during washing of the nixtamal.

Palabras clave : Nixtamal tortilla; fortification; vitamins; tortilla quality..

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