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Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición
versión impresa ISSN 0004-0622versión On-line ISSN 2309-5806
HURTADO P, María Luz; ESCOBAR A, Berta y ESTEVEZ A, Ana María. Mezclas legumbre/cereal por fritura profunda de maiz amarillo y de tres cultivares de frejol para consumo "snack". ALAN [online]. 2001, vol.51, n.3, pp.303-308. ISSN 0004-0622.
Deep frying snack product of legume/cereal mixture based on corn and three varieties of beans. To increase legume consumption and give a better protein quality in the snack products, mixtures of fried beans-corn were formulate in different proportions: 60:40 (A); 50:50 (B) and 40:60 (C). Fried corn used in mixtures was previously soaked in a predetermined solution (NaOH/EDTA) and then blanched. Three beans varieties (Pinto 114, Suave 85 and Tórtola Inia) were mixed with fried yellow dent corn in the above described proportions, obtaining nine mixtures whose physical, chemical and sensorial characteristics were evaluated.The mixtures were very homogeneus in all the analyzed characteristics. The protein content for the A mix was the greatest, nevertheless the sensorial analysis showed the last acceptance. The moisture content and water activity of these mixtures was low assuring a good microbiological stability under storage conditions. The protein contribution of each specie in different prepared mixtures determined the selection of the best cereal/legume mix. From a nutritional stand point the best results were obtained when the 50% of protein was supplied by bans and the 50% by corn. From the mixtures tried in this study, mix C with bean Pinto 114 one closed to the recommended conditions. Nevertheless, for each cereal/legume mix, the best proportion was C, due to its better acceptability, even though it had less nutritional value.
Palabras clave : Legume/cereal mix; proteins; snack..