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Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición

versión impresa ISSN 0004-0622


BUSTOS, Nelly; KAIN, Juliana; LEYTON, Bárbara  y  VIO, Fernando. Changes in food consumption pattern among Chilean school children after the implementation of a healthy kiosk. ALAN [online]. 2011, vol.61, n.3, pp.302-307. ISSN 0004-0622.

In Chilean school there is a kiosk that sells a large number of high-calorie products. The aim of this study was to determine the barriers that children have for buying healthy food and evaluate changes in the pattern of food purchases during a school year at a school where a "Healthy Space" was created. We designed implemented and assessed changes in food purchases by developing a “Healthy Space” which included a kiosk that incorporated a range of healthy food at affordable prices. The staff in charge of the kiosk was trained and we generate communication and marketing strategies to promote the consumption of healthy food. A validated survey to determine food purchases was applied to 9-12 year-old children from both schools at baseline and follow up 8 months later. The total number of schoolchildren was 477 (291 from the intervention and 115 from the control school). There weren’t significant differences in the amount of money available to buy food between children of both schools. There was a significant increase in the purchase of fruit, milk, yoghurt, soft drinks and light juices, dried seeds, healthy sandwiches and non-fat ice cream (p <0.05) of school children from the intervention school. At the control school, no change in consumption was observed. The increase in the supply of affordable healthy food, including communication and marketing strategies, significantly increases the consumption of these products among school children.

Palabras clave : school; snacks; school kiosk; barriers; purchase of healthy foods.

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