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Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición

Print version ISSN 0004-0622


ALVAREZ DE ACOSTA, Thais; CLUET DE RODRIGUEZ, Isabel; ROSSELL PINEDA, Mario Rosario  and  CASTILLO, María Alejandra. Fósforo sérico en niños con desnutrición grave y su relación con el síndrome de realimentación. ALAN [online]. 2016, vol.66, n.1, pp.034-042. ISSN 0004-0622.

Serum phosphorus in malnourished children and its relationship with the syndrome of feedback Refeeding syndrome occurs as a result of the reintroduction of food in malnourished patients. Observational, prospective, non experimental and comparative study was performed. Phosphorus levels in severely malnourished children and healthy children was measured at admission and at 7 days after initiation of feeding in order to associate the concentration of serum phosphorus with refeeding syndrome in severely malnourished children hospitalized at the Pediatric Emergency Service University Hospital of Maracaibo, Venezuela, from June 2010 to June 2011. We included 60 children between 1 month and 4 years and both sexes, divided into 2 groups: Group A n = 30 serious malnourished children and Group B (control) n = 30 eutrophic children. In both groups predominated the infants 1 to 23 months with 86.7% and 60% respectively. 70% and 73% were male both group. In Group A, there was statistical significance betwee the serum phosphorus at the beginning (3.17 ± 0.98 mg/dl) and at seven days of hospitalization 2.48 ± 1.01 mg/dl, p = 0.002; without clinical manifestations. In Group B there was no statistical significance with p=0,569 to compare values of serum phosphorus income and day 7. Three children of the group A died. It was observed in this study that serious malnourished children presented the serum phosphorus decreased to be refueled. New lines of research should be expanded in this area to increase current knowledge about this condition.

Keywords : Phosphorus; severe malnutrition; eutrophic; children.

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