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Archivos Venezolanos de Puericultura y Pediatría

versión impresa ISSN 0004-0649


URBINA-MEDINA, Huníades. Reanimación neonatal nuevas pautas 2010. Arch Venez Puer Ped [online]. 2011, vol.74, n.2, pp.030-036. ISSN 0004-0649.

Neonatal cardiac arrest is usually produced by asphyxia; therefore, the sequence of resuscitation A-B-C has been maintained with a ratio compression-ventilation 3:1.Less than 1% of neonates need resuscitation. The newly born (NB) must be dried, heated, placed skin-toskin with his mother and covered with a blanket to maintain the temperature, monitor respiration, activity and skin color. If any of the three aspects mentioned above are not present in an appropriate manner, the NB must receive: A. -initial stabilization: heat, clearance of the air way if necessary, dry and stimulate. B -ventilation, C. - chest compression and D. -administration of epinephrine and/or volume expansion. The initial step of any resuscitation is to heat the child by placing it under a radiant heat source, positioning the head in a sniffing position to open the airway, clean the air way if necessary with a suction bulb or aspiration probe, dry and stimulate gently. If necessary, supplemental oxygen should be administered, as well as positive pressure ventilation with an automatically inflated device with a reservoir that allows applying pressure at the end of expiration. The chest compressions are indicated with a heart rate of 60 per minute despite adequate ventilation with supplemental oxygen for 30 seconds. When gestation, birth weight, or congenital abnormalities are associated with early death and when the high morbidity is unacceptable among survivors, resuscitation is not indicated.

Palabras clave : Cardiac arrest; newly born; cardiopulmonary resuscitation; chest compression.

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