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Archivos Venezolanos de Puericultura y Pediatría

versión impresa ISSN 0004-0649


RISQUEZ, Alejandro; URBINA-MEDINA, Huníades  y  PONCE, Ada. Hospitalary indicators 2011-2012: Hospital de niños JM de los Ríos de Caracas, Venezuela. Arch Venez Puer Ped [online]. 2014, vol.77, n.4, pp.162-169. ISSN 0004-0649.

Objective: the aim of the study is to analyze hospital indicators and causes of mortality and hospitalization of the emergency department at the children’s hospital JM de los ríos (HJMR) in caracas, Venezuela, during years 2011 and 2012. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study of health statistics obtained from the department of medical records. descriptive statistical analysis, fee calculation, summary measures, frequency distributions and cross-tabulations. Results: current capacity 203 beds with an occupancy rate of 67%, which is higher in critical care Medicine with 89% and in the surgery department with 58%. replacement intervals and rates of capacity are 3.8 days and 31.4 patients per bed/year. Interdepartmental transfers are reported during hospitalization. hospital mortality was 3.8% and 2/3 occurs in children under 5 years; most deaths occur in critical Medicine (70%). the causes of death are sepsis, respiratory infections and diarrhea, followed by neoplasms and congenital malformations. Morbidity in the emergency department is predominantly secondary to infectious and respiratory diseases which account for over 50%, followed by trauma, hematological diseases and malignancies. Conclusion: hJMr is a referral hospital that receives patients with conditions that require long-term treatment, complex surgery and critical care medicine.

Palabras clave : health indicators; hospitalization, mortality.

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