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Archivos Venezolanos de Puericultura y Pediatría

versión impresa ISSN 0004-0649


URBINA-MEDINA, Huníades et al. Efective communication and ethics in cases of epidemics and pandemics. Arch Venez Puer Ped [online]. 2016, vol.79, n.4, pp.113-117. ISSN 0004-0649.

Epidemics are a public health and communication problem in society, with communication strategies designed in advance to deal with possible situations, detailed objectives, target audiences, key messages, tools or channels and action plans. Communication in epidemic situations is an interactive process of exchange of information and opinion among individuals, groups and institutions; It often includes multiple messages about the nature of the risk or express concerns, opinions or reactions about outbreak messages, legal and institutional arrangements for risk management, including the context of digital dissemination; In this regard it is important to consider the principles for communication planning in epidemic outbreaks proposed by the World Health Organization.With regard to ethical considerations in epidemics, the protection of the health of the population, intrinsic value of the highest degree, directly related to the principle of beneficence, is for health administrations not only an ethical imperative, but also an obligation, supported by the Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights and in the legal framework of the constituted states. Considering the ethical aspects that arise in the epidemics, contributes to improve personal, social and professional responses at risk, from the social dimension of Bioethics.

Palabras clave : Communication; Epidemics; Ethics; Risk; Public Health.

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