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VILLALOBOS A, Trina et al. Virus del papiloma humano y lesiones papulosas de esófago. Gen [online]. 2009, vol.63, n.4, pp.278-281. ISSN 0016-3503.
At world-wide level, it is a problem of public health that affects to many countries The Virus of Papilloma Human (VPH) is a virus DNA of double chain, that infects epitelio flaky in individuals healthy to produce warts and condilomas. Also, causes another type of cancer besides the one of uterine neck: tumors of vagina and penis; it is believed in his implication in some tumors of esophagus, disease that in some countries has an unusual high incidence. The main objective of study was correlational the human papilloma virus and papulosas injuries of esophagus. Materials y Mhetods: prospective, descriptive and corelational study, conformed by 38 patients of both sexes, majors of 18 years of age, that attended the Service of Gastroenterology of the Central Hospital Dr. Urquinaona, with ebb tide symptoms of gastroesofágico ebb tide and/or by endoscopic accidental finding they presented/displayed papulous injuries of esophagus, in the period of March-September 2007. They were evaluated from the clinical point of view; realising digestive videoendoscopia to them superior, with taking of biopsies for histopatológico and inmunohistoquímico study. Results: the average age of the patients with papulous injuries of esophagus was of 40.5 years. With respect to sex, there was a prevalence of the feminine sex of a 68.4% in relation to the masculine one. The clinic that prevailed was the symptoms of gastroesofágico ebb tide like pirosis, regurgitation, disfagia and dispepsia represented in a 57.9%. The presence of topical cells (coilocitos) with atypical nuclei, demonstrated in 55.3% of patients asintomát that by endoscopic accidental finding they presented/displayed papulous injuries of esophagus. In the findings inmunohistoquímico it was demonstrated that the VPH (+) serotype of high risk appeared in 39.5% of the evaluated patients, followed of 36.8% for patients evaluated with VPH (-) serotype of low risk. Conclusion: it exists direct and proportional correlation between patients with papulous injuries of esophagus and VPH (+) serotype of high risk that could be corobbery by histopathology and immunohistochemistry.
Palabras clave : Virus of the human papilloma; Papulous injuries of esophagus.