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vol.70 número2Cáncer Colorectal: características de la expresión del oncogen K-rasExperiencia colangioscopia peroral monoperador (SPYGLASS) en patología biliar en un centro privado de tercer nivel en Venezuela índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 2477-975X


MEDINA, Gustavo; SACCA, Fabio  e  LOUIS, César. Benign and malignant obstructive jaundice: clinical ultility of CA 19-9. Gen [online]. 2016, vol.70, n.2, pp.054-060. ISSN 2477-975X.

Aim: to determinate the clinical utility of the tumor marker CA 19-9 in obstructive jaundice of benign and malignant origin in adult patients who comes to the service of gastroenterology of the Caracas University Hospital.Patients and methods: was stablish as sample every patient who undergo hospitalization in the service of gastroenterology Caracas University Hospital with obstructive jaundice in which was determinate the CA 19-9 before and seven days after the drainage of the biliary pathway with endoscopic retrograde colangiopancreatography and was determinate the variation of the results of the CA 19-9 and if this result can differentiate between both etiologies. Results: the values of CA19-9 did not modified in significant way after the biliary drainage in the benign and malignant pathology. It was obtained a new cohort point of the CA 19-9 (47U/L), keeping the sensitivity, but increasing the specificity. Conclusions: it can’t be used the variation of the CA 19-9 after the biliary drainage as diagnostic element to differentiate between benign and malignant pathology..

Palavras-chave : CA 19-9; Obstructive jaundice; Cholangitis; Biliopancreatic; Bilirrubin.

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