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Revista de Obstetricia y Ginecología de Venezuela

versión impresa ISSN 0048-7732


TORRES-CEPEDA, Duly et al. Doppler de las arterias uterinas, umbilical y cerebral media fetal en embarazada con amenaza de parto pretérmino tratada con nifedipina oral. Rev Obstet Ginecol Venez [online]. 2012, vol.72, n.4, pp.221-226. ISSN 0048-7732.

Objective: To determine modifications of Doppler of uterine, umbilical and fetal middle cerebral arteries in pregnant women with threatened pre-term labor treated with oral nifedipine as tocolytic agent. Methods: Fifty patients with diagnosis of threatened pre-term labor were selected. Patients received an initial dose of 30 mg of sub lingual nifedipine followed by an oral dose of 20 mg twice to four times a day. A maximum dosage was of 120 mg each 24 hours. The pulsatility index, resistance index and systolic/diastolic blood flow ratio of uterine, umbilical and fetal middle cerebral arteries were measured before treatment and after treatment. Setting: Servicio de Ginecologia y Obstetricia. Hospital Central "Dr. Urquinaona". Maracaibo, Estado Zulia. Results: Maternal mean age at beginning of study was 26.9 ± 6.9 years-old and gestational mean age was 30.3 ± 2.6 weeks. Mean duration of treatment was 4.8 ± 1.5 days. There were not found significant differences in mean values of maternal and fetal heart rate, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure before and after treatment with oral nifedipine (p = ns). There were not found significant differences in pulsatility index, resistance index and systolic/diastolic blood flow ratio of uterine, umbilical and fetal middle cerebral arteries before and after treatment (p = ns). Conclusion: The use of oral nifedipine as tocolytic agent did not produce significant modifications in Doppler measurements of uterine, umbilical and fetal middle cerebral arteries in pregnant women with threatened pre-term labor.

Palabras clave : Threatened preterm labor; Nifedipine; Blood flow; Doppler Ultrasound.

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