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Revista de Obstetricia y Ginecología de Venezuela

versión impresa ISSN 0048-7732


REBOLLEDO-P, Vilma E; IARDINO, Alfredo; ISAACS, Igoryc  y  BALDALLO, Cinthia. Carcinoma en tejido mamario ectópico axilar con diferenciación neuroendocrina: Reporte de un caso. Rev Obstet Ginecol Venez [online]. 2012, vol.72, n.4, pp.277-279. ISSN 0048-7732.

A case of female patient 38 years of age, who consulted for increased volume and axillary node in a year of evolution and prior non-diagnostic FNA. The evaluation noted bilateral axillary breasts, feeling hard lump on the right an irregular surface, we performed mammography, PAAF and core needle biopsy. For the diagnosis of the biopsy needle, extension studies were performed and treated with neoadjuvant therapy and surgery. Histopathological examination of the surgical specimen concluded infiltrating ductal carcinoma neuroendocrine pattern and metastatic in 2 of 18 nodes, received adjuvant therapy and remains free of disease.

Palabras clave : Axillary breast tissue; Breast carcinoma; Neuroendocrine differentiation.

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