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Revista de Obstetricia y Ginecología de Venezuela

versión impresa ISSN 0048-7732


URDANETA MACHADO, José; BENITEZ, Betty; BAABEL ZAMBRANO, Nasser  y  VALBUENA, Gustavo. Leucemia mieloide aguda durante el embarazo: Reporte de un caso. Rev Obstet Ginecol Venez [online]. 2013, vol.73, n.1, pp.65-71. ISSN 0048-7732.

Primigravida 18 years, ethnicity Wayuu, with 30.5 weeks of amenorrhea, who went into clinical conditions of care for presenting accentuated dyspnea since a week ago. Physical examination showed marked skin pallor, gingival hyperplasia, holosystolic blow, palpitations, vesicular murmur abolished in lung’s bases with bilateral crackles. Abdomen with graves uterus, height 27cm, and cephalic active fetus; vaginal touch unchanged. Presents anemia, marked leukocytosis, hypoproteinaemia, elevated LDH, and pattern of consolidation at lung’s radiographers. She is admitting with diagnosed of preterm pregnancy, bilateral pneumonia, lymphoproliferative disease, and sepsis (?); during its evolution presents impaired fetal biophysical profile and hemodynamic, practised caesarean operation due to oligoamnios and acute fetal distress. Obtained preterm infant, who was admitted because of prematurity, neonatal sepsis and hyaline membrane disease. Peripheral blood smear reveals predominantly monocytes leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anisocitosis, hipocromia and macroplaquets. While the bone marrow aspirate showed 80 % of infiltration mieloblasts cells and alterations in the cytometry of flow. Receives chemotherapy by protocol BMS and medical management of complications presented, dies during the late puerperium

Palabras clave : Acute myeloid leukemia; Pregnancy; Hematologic malignancy.

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