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vol.74 número2Aspectos bioéticos de la conducta expectante en la gestante con preeclampsia grave índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de Obstetricia y Ginecología de Venezuela

versión impresa ISSN 0048-7732


MOREIRA, Wladimir; BASTARDO, Carolina; BRITO, Julio  y  ROSALES, Dwigth. Flujo diastólico borrado o en reversa de la arteria umbilical fetal y su relación con la morbi-mortalidad perinatal. Rev Obstet Ginecol Venez [online]. 2014, vol.74, n.2, pp.78-86. ISSN 0048-7732.

Introduction: The deleted diastolic flow or reverse in the umbilical arteries, is associated with adverse perinatal outcome. Objective: To determine the perinatal outcome in fetuses of mothers with severe preeclampsia with deleted diastolic flow and reverse diastolic flow at the Maternidad “Concepcion Palacios, Caracas. Methods: Retrospective, descriptive and correlational study. We included 64 fetuses, of pregnancies among 24-37 weeks in patients with severe preeclampsia. The information was obtained from the review of medical records, for the analysis is record the relationship of the presence of deleted diastolic flow or reverse diastolic flow and age of gestation to the diagnosis, interval between diagnosis and termination of pregnancy, termination via, the age of gestation at birth, variables of forecast perinatal and neonatal survival. Results: Forty seven cases with deleted diastolic flow and 17 cases with reverse diastolic flow were identified. There were 46 births (71.8 %), and 18 deaths (28.12 %). Deleted diastolic flow cases were discontinued at 32.66 weeks and the reverse diastolic flow to the 26.87 weeks the weight at birth was of 1 333.3 vs 670.55 g respectively. The frequency of caesarean section was 78.12 %, with 98 % of admission to neonatal therapy. Of the 45 living newborn infants requiring entering the neinatal intensive care unit. Neonatal mortality was 45.65 % and survival was 53.33 %. Conclusion: The deleted diastolic flow or reverse diastolic flow indicates severe placental insufficiency, and high association with prematurity perinatal morbidity-mortality.

Palabras clave : Flow delete or reverse at the end of diastole; Perinatal prognosis.

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