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Revista de Obstetricia y Ginecología de Venezuela

versión impresa ISSN 0048-7732


BAABEL ZAMBRANO, Nasser et al. Efectos de la terapia de reemplazo hormonal sobre la función sexual de mujeres con menopausia natural o quirúrgica. Rev Obstet Ginecol Venez [online]. 2014, vol.74, n.3, pp.184-192. ISSN 0048-7732.

Objective: To determine the effects of hormone replacement therapy on sexual function in women with natural or surgical menopause at the outpatient clinic of gynecology of the Hospital “Dr. Pedro Garcia Clara”; Municipio Lagunillas, Estado Zulia. Methods: Comparative and applied type research with non-experimental, contemporary and field design, which included a sample of 80 patients diagnosed with menopause, divided into two groups according to whether or not taking hormone replacement therapy and into two subgroups according to type of menopause; measured by the female sexual function index. Results: It’s found significant differences (P <0.05) in favor of hormone replacement therapy in natural menopausal and hysterectomy in terms of desire, frequency of arousal, satisfaction and pain after penetration, in addition to being highly significant differences in terms of lubrication and orgasm frequency (P< 0.001). It also determined a high prevalence of sexual dysfunction (63.75 %) representing the absence of hormone replacement therapy a significant risk for sexual dysfunction (OR (95 %) = 11.94 (3.953 to 36.081), P = 0.000), while not the type of menopause (OR (95 %) = 0.897 (0.360 to 2.234), P = 0.179). Conclusion: The total score achieved in both groups showed significant differences between them, it was concluded that hormone replacement therapy showed to be beneficial for female sexual function, without apparent impact of the removal of the uterus or not.

Palabras clave : Female sexual function; hysterectomy; menopause; reemplacement therapy.

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