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vol.32 número2Plantas colonizadoras en áreas perturbadas por la minería en el Estado Bolívar, Venezuela índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Acta Botánica Venezuelica

versión impresa ISSN 0084-5906


ARDITO, Sonia; BALLANTINE, David L; VILLAMIZAR, Estrella  y  RODRIGUEZ, José Gregorio. Corallophila verongiae (CeramiaCeae, rhodophyta), a new addition for the benthic marine algae from Venezuela. Acta Bot. Venez. [online]. 2009, vol.32, n.2, pp.467-472. ISSN 0084-5906.

corallophila verongiae represents the first report for Venezuela, it was found growing on coralline substrata in the sublittoral, 6-9 m depth, at two coral reef sites in Morrocoy National Park, Venezuela. The characteristics of the Venezuelan specimens correspond with the more recent description of this species. This report extends the c. verongiae distribution to the southern Caribbean.

Palabras clave : Algae; Caribbean; Ceramiales; corallophila; coral reef; Morrocoy.

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