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vol.33 número1Variación morfométrica floral en Pachira quinata (Jacq.) W.Alverson (Bombacaceae)Árboles utilizados como productos forestales no maderables en la cuenca alta del río Botanamo, Estado Bolívar, Venezuela índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Acta Botánica Venezuelica

versión impresa ISSN 0084-5906


SOUZA, Luiz Antonio de; SILVA, Aparecido Caetano da  y  MOSCHETA, Ismar Sebastião. Morphology and anatomy of flowers of Dalechampia stipulacea Müll.Arg. (Euphorbiaceae). Acta Bot. Venez. [online]. 2010, vol.33, n.1, pp.103-117. ISSN 0084-5906.

The flowers of Dalechampia species have been reported as a model for the study of floral evolution. However, the literature does not record floral anatomical studies of these plants. The structural analyses of inflorescences and flowers of Dalechampia stipulacea was the objective of this paper. The pseudanthium consists of male and female inflorescences with two large bracts and monochlamydeous flowers. In the male inflorescence there is a resinous gland. In the bracts and flowers occurred nonglandular, glandular trichomes and glandular emergencies. The bracts and perianth without palisade parenchyma. The anther is tetrasporangiate with wall formed by epidermis, endothecium, middle layer and secretory tapetum. In the ovary wall meristematic regions were observed in the epidermis and mesophyll regions. The ovule is anatropous, bitegmic and crassinucellate. The style has central transmitting tissue with a reduced rift. The obtained anatomical results are compared with flowers of other species of the genus and discussed in relation to pollination ecology.

Palabras clave : Bract; Dalechampia; Euphorbiaceae; female flower; male flower; perigone; pseudanthium.

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