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vol.18 número2Anatomía foliar de Passiflora guazumaefolia juss. y Passiflora aff. tiliaefolia L. (Passifloraceae) presentes en Venezuela índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0252-8274


CUMANA CAMPOS, Luis José. Plantas vasculares del parque Nacional Mochima, Estados Anzoátegui y Sucre, Venezuela. Ernstia [online]. 2008, vol.18, n.2, pp.107-164. ISSN 0252-8274.

Mochima National Park covers an area of 94,935 hectares. The mainland of the park is comprised of a hilly terrain with a wide variety of vegetation types. The insular area includes several islands, coral reefs, rocky cliffs, sandy beaches, caves and coves. There are 43 national parks in Venezuela of which only two, El Avila and Morrocoy, have had their flora documented and published. Another park, Guacamaral, has a published catalogue and two others parks, Henri Pittier and El Guacharo, have preliminary lists of their flora released. The species cited in this inventory refer only to plants gathered from areas corresponding to present day Mochima National Park by local and visiting botanists since the 1960´s as found in the Herbarium IRBR. This includes 1.124 species of which 1.051 are fall into 601 genera and 140 families of the division Magnoliophyta. The remaining 73 species fall into 31 genera and 16 families of the division Pteridophyta. The families with the most number of species are: Poaceae (89 spp.), Asteraceae (85 spp.), Fabaceae (69 spp.), Cyperaceae (55 spp.), Mimosaceae (39 spp.), Euphorbiaceae (38 spp.), Malvaceae (35 spp.), Rubiaceae (34 spp.), Caesalpiniaceae (31 spp.), Solanaceae (29 spp.), Acanthaceae (27 spp.), Verbenaceae (23 spp.), Orchidaceae (21 spp.), Melastomataceae (21 spp.) and Pteridaceae (20 spp.). These 15 families contain 615 species which corresponds to 55 percent of the flora of the park. The genera most represented in terms of number of species are: Cyperus (23 spp.), Solanum (15 spp.), Adiantum (13 spp.), Sida (13 spp.), Croton (12 spp.), Capparis (11 spp.) and Miconia (11 spp.). The material studied for this work can be found in the Herbarium Isidro Ramón Bermúdez Romero (IRBR) at the Universidad de Oriente with duplicates at the following Herbaria: VEN, MY, PORT, WIS, MO and US.

Palabras clave : Magnoliophyta; Pteridophyta; vascular plants; floristic; Mochima; Venezuela.

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