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Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad del Zulia

Print version ISSN 0254-0770


NUNEZ, Karina et al. Mechanical properties of TPVs of EPDM/polypropylene/paraffin oil. Rev. Téc. Ing. Univ. Zulia [online]. 2007, vol.30, n.Especial, pp.445-453. ISSN 0254-0770.

Thermoplastic vulcanizates (TPVs) of (EPDM) and two types of polyolefins, polypropylene (PP) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) were prepared by dynamic vulcanization. The effects of adding different proportions of paraffin oil, as well as different EPDMs and PPs on their mechanical properties were investigated. The Young’s modulus of the EPDM blends decreases and the elongation at break increases when the amount of paraffin oil is increased. Additionally, when the proportion of the higher molecular weight PP is increased in the TPVs, an increase in its Young’s modulus, Shore D hardness and tensile strength is obtained. Non significant changes were observed in the elongation at break when the same amount of paraffin oil was incorporated in TPVs with PP. However, the highest elongation at break was achieved when LDPE was used. When the solvent and thermal resistance of TPVs were evaluated at 150°C, a loss in the rubber elasticity of the rubber was detected after 70 hours.

Keywords : Ethylene-propylene-diene (EPDM); polypropylene; low-density polyethylene; thermoplastic rubbers (TPV); dynamic vulcanization.

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