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Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad del Zulia

Print version ISSN 0254-0770


FERNANDEZ, Celeste et al. Recalcitrant compound biodegradation coming from crude extra-heavy applying technical ones of bioremediation. Rev. Téc. Ing. Univ. Zulia [online]. 2012, vol.35, n.3, pp.215-223. ISSN 0254-0770.

The investigation had like main intention the evaluation of the bioremediation process asphaltene extracted from an Ayacucho heavy crude of a gravel drilling, which is located in the Orinoco Oil Belt (FPO) in the field of Carabobo, which was applied two types to him of treatments to diminish the amount of asphaltenes presents: one from a culture of depredators microorganisms of isolated extra-heavy petroleum stocks able to asphaltenes degrade (treatment A), and another one using exemplary of Eisenia foétida (treatment B), monitored during 49 days by means of bacterial growth, gravimetry, magnetic resonance of carbon thirteen and analysis of variance, establishing the comparisons of averages by means of the test of Tukey and Dunnett. The microbial growth at the end of the monitoring reached a maximum of 1.90×106 UFC/g after the treatment to with a removal of a 56% and 2.90×105 UFC/g for treatment B with a 92% being significant difference between the treatments and the pattern.

Keywords : bioremediation; horse dung; Eisenia foétida; asphaltenes.

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