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Revista Latinoamericana de Metalurgia y Materiales

Print version ISSN 0255-6952


ROJAS DE GASCUE, Blanca et al. Caracterización de polietilenos obtenidos a partir de diferentes sistemas catalíticos de coordinación.. Rev. LatinAm. Met. Mat. [online]. 2003, vol.23, n.1, pp.9-15. ISSN 0255-6952.

In this work polyethylene obtained from different coordination catalysts were characterized from FTIR spectroscopy, Transmission Electronic Microscopy (TEM) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). The analysis by IR spectroscopy in polyethylene produced by the catalyst tris-(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)metano [HB(3,5-Me 2 pz) 3 ]Ti(OCH 3 )Cl 2 and the catalyst C 27 H 31 Cl 2 FeN 3 which corresponds to Cloruro de 2,6-[-1-(2-isopropilphenilamino)ethyl]piridina hierro (II), results in spectra characteristic of high density polyethylene (HDPE). On the contrary, the polymer obtained by the catalyst system when the ligand is tris-(3,4,5-trimethylpyrazolyl)metano, [HC(3,4,5-Me 3 pz) 3 ]TiCl 3 resulted in IR spectra the which evidenced that the products were not linear polyethylene, but rather they present a certain crosslinking degree and branching. The thermal properties obtained by DSC suggest that the products synthesized from the catalyst [HC(3,4,5-Me 3 pz) 3 ]TiCl 3 , have linear fractions of polyethylene, being measured melting temperatures between 132 and 134ºC and crystallization temperatures in the range of 117 and 121ºC. Analogues values were obtained for all evaluated products, nevertheless the crystallinity degree were in some of the products very low, confirming the presence of defects in the polyethylene chains. The application of SSA (Successive Self-Nucleation and Annealing), help to clarify the microstructure of the polyethylene chains. The preparation of the samples and the micrographs obtained by MET also were useful to discriminate which catalyst had generated polyethylene really lineal. For comparative effects also were characterized polyethylene obtained from metallocene compounds: Cp 2 ZrCl 2 y Cp 2 *ZrCl 2.

Keywords : Catalysts; polyethylenes; characterization; SSA; IR; DSC.

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