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vol.47 número2Composición Fitoquímica y Nutricional de Algunos Frutos de Árboles de Interés Forrajero de Los Llanos Centrales de Venezuela índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias

versión impresa ISSN 0258-6576


RIVAS, José H.; ROSSINI, Mario  y  SALVADOR, Alejandro. Indicadores Clínicos como Respuesta a la Suplementación Parenteral en Vacas Brahman Primíparas Durante la Pretemporada de Monta. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Vet. [online]. 2006, vol.47, n.2, pp.113-121. ISSN 0258-6576.

The aim of the present study was to evaluate clinical indicators as the response to parenteral supplementation during the pre-season breeding in 32 first-calf Brahman cows, at La Cumaca Experimental Station, located at Yaracuy state, Venezuela. Cows were randomly assigned to two groups: 1) Experimental group (GE; n=16) receiving parenteral supplementation (SP) and 2) Control group (GC; n=16) withouth supplementation. The basal feeding was based on pasture (Panicum maximum, Cynodom niemfluences, Digitaria swazilandensis, and Brachiaria decumbes), a concentrate mixture (18% CP; 2 kg/cow/day), and a mineral mixture ad libitum. Glucose (Glu), total cholesterol (CT), fructosamine (Fru), total proteins (PT), albumin (Alb)and hematocrit (Hto) were evaluated at 32, 25, 18, and 7 days previous to the beginning of the breeding preaseason (DPT). Data was analized using analysis of variance; and the Tukey test for comparison, using the SAS 6.0 program. Glucose, Fru, and CT were not different between groups. However, there was a significant difference (P< 0.05) of SP on Alb at 25 DPT (31.43 vs 35.70 g/L for cows in GC and GE groups respectively). These results show a better stability in the protein metabolism in cows of the GE group, possibly as a consequence of parenteral supplementation.

Palabras clave : clinical indicators; parenteral; supplementation; Brahman cows.

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