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Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias

versión impresa ISSN 0258-6576


SALVADOR, Alejandro  y  MARTINEZ, Gonzalo. Factors that Affect Yield and Composition of Goat Milk: A Bibliographic Review. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Vet. [online]. 2007, vol.48, n.2, pp.61-76. ISSN 0258-6576.

A review of the literature on several factors that affect the production and composition of goat milk was done. The search was based on both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The intrinsic factors involved were classified as: genetic, taking into consideration the difference in milk production and composition among breeds and groups as well as the different polymorphisms that affect milk’s protein fractions; and non-genetic factors such as: age, number of parturitions, lactation stage, type of kidding, duration of previous dry period, body size and reproductive status, such as estrous cycle and pregnancy. The extrinsic factors examined were: effect and year of parturition, milking practices, with special emphasis on mechanical milking, milking duration, milking frequency, interval between milking duration, thorough milking; effect of exercise, changes in milk composition due to its processing for the conservation or production of cheese, effect of udder health and, finally, effect of nutrition and feeding. The results of the review show the need for further research of the above mentioned factors in tropical conditions using genetic crossbred groups which comprise most of the herd of these regions

Palabras clave : Goats; milk production; milk composition; genetics; age; seasons; reproduction.

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