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Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias

versión impresa ISSN 0258-6576


RAMIREZ-IGLESIA, Lilido N; DIAZ DE RAMIREZ, Adelina  y  ROMAN-BRAVO, Rafael. Spontaneous Estrus Intensity and Fertility in Crossbred Cows Reared in Two Dual-Purpose Farms. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Vet. [online]. 2014, vol.55, n.2, pp.104-111. ISSN 0258-6576.

A study was conducted to assess sexual behavior (SB) and estrous intensity (EI) in crossbred dual-purpose livestock (DPL) and its relationship with fertility (FERT) at the time of artificial insemination (AI). Cows reared in two farms (Farm 1 and Farm 2) located in the Tropical Rainforest of Venezuela were used. Five secondary behavioral signs (SBS) were registered; also, the following three physical signs (PS) at AI were registered: reddening of vulvar mucous membrane, mucus discharge and abrasions associated with the main sign of standing estrous (SE). Cows were visually observed four times in daylight, for one hour at three-hour intervals. They were fed on pasture, supplemented with concentrated salts and water ad libitum in pens. The AI was done using the am-pm rule. FERT was measured by transrectal pregnancy diagnosis performed 45-60 d after AI. Each sign observed was assigned a score, being 0 its absence. The SE was assigned a value of 100 points; the EI was ranked as EI-I= SE (100 points) and EI-II, for values >100 points. Two types of sum were analyzed: Total Sum = EI+SBS+PS and AI Sum = SE+PS. The overall fertility was 52.64%, the chi square association test with FERT was statistically significant (p<0.05) for Farm 1 and EI-II in AI Sum, with 74.16% and 61.86% of pregnancy, respectively. The logistic regression of farm and EI on FERT, indicated a greater likelihood of pregnancy for cows in Farm 1 and EI-II, with odds ratio values of 3.116 (2.025 to 4.792) and EI-II- AI Sum of 1,746 (1.151 to 2.648), respectively. The rating of SBS of the cow, associated with SE to set the intensity of the heat can help predict fertility in DPL.

Palabras clave : Sexual behavior animal; fertility; mixed breeds; cows; artificial insemination; oestrous cycle.

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