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Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias

versión impresa ISSN 0258-6576


CHACON CHACON, Tony C et al. Cardiovascular Performance of Two Lineages of Gallus gallus domesticus Subjected to Acute Heat Stress. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Vet. [online]. 2015, vol.56, n.2, pp.60-66. ISSN 0258-6576.

Genetic selection in poultry has been based on fast growth characters and not on stress adaptability. This investigation assessed cardiovascular variables in two lineages of Gallus gallus domesticus of different domestication levels, subjected to acute heat stress. To carry out the assay, broiler chickens (n=40) with a high-end level of genetic selection and creole chickens (n=40) with a low-end level of genetic selection were evaluated. All chickens were reared under the same conditions until day 36 of age, at which day, the following variables were measured: environmental temperature, relative humidity, body temperature, heart rate, systolic volumen, and cardiac output. On day 37, both flocks were exposed to an acute environmental heat stress simulation (34 ºC). Data were analyzed with repetitive measures test (PROC MIXED, SAS, 2005), with a two-way arrangement. During the heat stress simulation, body temperature of broilers (46.1±0.2°C) was higher (P≤0,01) than that of creole chickens (43.5±0.9°C); likewise, the increase in broilers heart rate (38±1 beats/min) was higher (P≤0,01), when compared to the increase in creole chickens (23±0 beats/min) from the day before. Similarly, a lower (P>0,05) systolic volume (0.33±0.03 mL/beats) and cardiac output (38.5±3.3 mL/min) was registered in broilers in contrast to an increment of these variables (systolic volume: 0.09±0.00 mL/beats; cardiac output: 59.10±4.8 mL/min) in creoles. Cardiac output to body weight ratio was higher (P≤0,01) in creole chickens (0.81±0.03 mL/min/g) in comparison to broilers (0.40 ± 0.07 mL/min/g). These results suggest that chickens from a commercial lineage (broilers) were less effective in terms of cardiac performance, under environmental heat stress, when compared to creole chickens, suggesting that creole chickens are better adapted to cope with environmental heat stress.

Palabras clave : Poultry; heat stress; body temperature; cardiac index.

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