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Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias

versión impresa ISSN 0258-6576


RAMIREZ-IGLESIA, Lilido N; OTERO AROCHA, Luis E  y  DIAZ DE RAMIREZ, Adelina. Diurnal Sexual Behavior of Carora (Bos taurus taurus) Tropical Dairy Cow. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Vet. [online]. 2016, vol.57, n.1, pp.43-52. ISSN 0258-6576.

Despite the importance of sexual behavior (SB) for managing animal breeding programs under artificial insemination (ABPAI), studies in Carora cattle are scarce. In that respect, the objective was to study the SB of cows milked twice without calf support and artificial insemination (AI) with am-pm rule, halfway stabled, fed with local forages and nutritional supplementation, salt, water and molasses ad libitum. By diurnal visual observation were observed five times/day, for one hour in intervals of three, considering in heat the quiet acceptance (standing) of the mount (QAM) by one of his herd mates, were detected 134 QAM and other secondary behavioral signs (SBS) related. It was recorded the frequency, time, proportion and chronological relationship between QAM with SBS (PeriQAM period). The SBS proportion were: tonic uterine cervix 60.45%, cervical mucus presence 59.70%) followed by other cows 52.99%, sniffing and/or licking the perineal zone by another cow 52.24%, head to head butting 42.54%, sexually active groups (40.30%), accepted chin resting on rump 36.57%, rejection to mount 31.34%, alopecia by scraping or excoriation on tail head or rump 29.85%, walking in circles with mutual sniffing of the genitalia 23.88%, crosslinking necks 21.64%, standing to disoriented mounts 20.15%, supporting chin on rump of other cows (19.40%), support or accept the chin on other body parts (16.42%), agitated or nervous walking, (restlessness) (12.69%), Flehmen sign (8.96%), erect ears (8.21%), flag tail (6.72%), reddening of vulvar mucus membrane (2.24%), bellowing (0.75%); swelling of the vulva, frequent urination and visible mataestrus bleeding were not detected. The 59.70% of the QAM were detected during PM hours, 64.9% of SBS were detected on a period of two hours PeriQAM. Carora cows showed an expressive advantageous sexual behavior for ABPAI. Further studies on the duration of estrus and its association with reproductive endocrinology and animal welfare are required.

Palabras clave : Dairy cows; sexual behavior animal; multipurpose breeds; cervix mucus; Bos taurus taurus; Lara.

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