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Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias

versión impresa ISSN 0258-6576


GONZALEZ, María C; MEDINA, Gladys; BERMUDEZ, Víctor  y  ARMAS, Santiago. Evaluation of an Oil Inactivated Vaccine of Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus in Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus). Rev. Fac. Cienc. Vet. [online]. 2016, vol.57, n.1, pp.68-77. ISSN 0258-6576.

The immunogenicity and safety of an oil vaccine against the eastern equine encephalitis virus, inactivated with binary ethylenimine in three formulations was evaluated: Formulation I (F1): antigen- oil phase; Formulation II (F2): antigen- oil phase-maintenance medium; and Formulation III (F3): antigen- oil phase-antigen. Seventy guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) 3 to 4 months of age and 250 to 300 g of live weight were used to assess immunity for a year (21, 30, 90, 160, 250, 305 and 365 days). Animals were distributed at random in 7 groups of 10, for a total of seven treatments, as follows: Treatment: 1: vaccinated with one dose of F1; Treatment 2: vaccinated with two doses of F1; Treatment 3: vaccinated with one dose of F2; Treatment 4: vaccinated with two doses of F2; Treatment 5: vaccinated with one dose of F3; Treatment 6: vaccinated with two doses of F3; and Treatment 7: not vaccinated. The guinea pigs were challenged 355 days postvaccination through theintraperitoneal route. Antibodies titers were detected by hemoagglutination inhibition (HI) ≥ 20 and serum neutralization (SN) ≥40 to 21 days postvaccination with one dose. The maximum rise of antibodies with the HI was observed at 90 days, which persisted and increased in the challenge with one and two doses, 365 d postvacccination. Formulations with two doses showed the highest titers in all periods, being F3 the one which higher titles, followed by F2 and F1, respectively (P<0.01). Antibody titers increased after challenge, beinf higher with two doses. (P<0.01). Vaccinated guinea pigs did not develop neurologic disease or viremia after challenge. It is concluded that formulations with one and two doses, induced a satisfactory antibody response in guinea pigs for one year.

Palabras clave : Inactivated vaccine; oil; encephalitis; guinea pigs; immunity.

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