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Gaceta Médica de Caracas
Print version ISSN 0367-4762
CALCANO LOYNAZ, Gastón and BRICENO IRAGORRY, Leopoldo. El niño con cáncer. Gac Méd Caracas [online]. 2001, vol.109, n.3, pp.318-321. ISSN 0367-4762.
SUMMARY The creation of the commission of pediatric oncology in the University hospital of Caracas in 1979, started an era of the multidisciplinary treatment of cancer in children. The late diagnosis, the absence of defined plans and the irregularity of the treatment, and of the bad pursuit, become the primordial factors in the high indexes of mortality, from there the necessity to create these teams. Differences are made as for the adult's cancer and that of children; the genetic origin, the external elements that can stimulate the appearance of cancer, symptoms, etc. We analyze the modern techniques of exploration and the utility of the combined treatment of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, as well as the use of technical of central accesses with catheters.
Keywords : Cancer; Children; Genetic; Treatment; Surgery; Chemotherapy; Radiotherapy.