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Gaceta Médica de Caracas
Print version ISSN 0367-4762
CASTEJON S, Olivar C; MOLINARO V, María P and DE ZAMORA, María G. La vellosidad placentaria en caso de primigesta infectada por Plasmodium vivax y tratada con cloroquina. Gac Méd Caracas [online]. 2001, vol.109, n.3, pp.345-351. ISSN 0367-4762.
The aim of this work is to determine the histological changes from a placenta obtained of a primigravidae infected by P. Vivax and furtherly treated with chloroquine who presented malaric crisis before delivey with newborn of low weight. Macroscopic and microscopic stains were applied near to maternal region of the placenta. The findings revealed large areas of parenchimal infarcted tissue, with blockade of the blood flow in the intervillous space, lack of infected erythrocytes and of mononuclear inflammatory infiltration. Presence of syncytial knots, loss of villous stromal structure, congestion ad dilatation of stromal capillars and nucleated erythocytes. Besides, degenerative changes in the trophoblast, fibrinoid or fibrin deposition surrounding the villi ad dystrophic calcification. These results indicate a placental dysfunction that predicts intrauterine growth retardation.
Keywords : Placental lesions; P vivax; Chloroquine.