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Gaceta Médica de Caracas

Print version ISSN 0367-4762


NUNEZ-GONZALEZ, José et al. Óxido nítrico, malondialdehído, perfil lipídico, factor de necrosis tumoral alfa y sus receptores solubles en mujeres no embarazadas, gestantes normales y preeclámpticas . Gac Méd Caracas [online]. 2001, vol.109, n.3, pp.352-360. ISSN 0367-4762.

A multicentrical clinical study was designed with the purpose to measure Nitric oxyde, malondialdehyde (MDA), lipid profile and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF TNF α) and its receptors p55 and p75 (sTNF TNF α -p55 and sTNF TNF α -p75) in nonpregnant women, normal pregnancy and preeclampsia. Blood samples were collected without anticoagulant from 15 nonpregnant women, 45 pregnant women for each trimester (groups B, C and D), and 15 with PE. Nitric oxyde was measured by diazotization assay, the malondialdehyde trough barbituric acid reactions, the lipid profile was determined by enzyme assay, TNF TNF α was measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and sTNF TNF α -p55 and sTNF TNF α p75 were measured by amplified immunoenzymometric assay. The statistical analysis was carried out using ANOVA one way with Tukey post test and unpaired t Student test. Nitric oxyde values of group D showed a significant raise (p< 0.001) with respect to A, B and C, while group E registered a significant fall (p< 0.001). The malondialdehyde had similar levels in all groups. Total cholesterol, VLDL and Triglycerids (TG`s) showed tendency to raise during pregnancy, with a significant difference (p< 0.001) between group D and groups A, B and C, Group E showed significant higher values (p< 0.01) than D. The values of TNF α were higher (p< 0.001) in nonpregnant women. sTNF α -p55 and sTNF α -p75 reached higher levels in group E (p< 0.001). We conclude that Nitric oxyde is elevated in normal pregnancy and falls in preeclampsia; malondialdehyde keeps similar levels in pregnancy and preeclampsia; TG`s, total cholesterol, VLDL and LDL are raised with development of pregnancy; TNF α is lower in normal pregnant women than nonpregnant women; TG`s, total cholesterol, TNF α, TNF α -p55 and TNF α -p75 are elevated in pregnancy.

Keywords : Pregnancy; Preeclampsia; Nitric oxyde; Malondialdehyde; Lipid profile; TNF ; sTNF -p55; sTNF -p75.

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