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vol.109 issue3Óxido nítrico, malondialdehído, perfil lipídico, factor de necrosis tumoral alfa y sus receptores solubles en mujeres no embarazadas, gestantes normales y preeclámpticas author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Gaceta Médica de Caracas

Print version ISSN 0367-4762


GARCIA ILDEFONSO, José E  and  MOLINA VILCHEZ, Rafael. Rotura uterina: frecuencia, factores de riesgo y conducta quirúrgica. Gac Méd Caracas [online]. 2001, vol.109, n.3, pp.361-366. ISSN 0367-4762.

SUMMARY Objective: To investigate the frequency, clinical characteristics, and surgical treatment of uterine rupture during pregnancy. Setting: Hospital Chiquinquira de Maracaibo. Zulia State. Method: Descriptive analysis of 39 uterine ruptures registered between 1984 and 2000 among 67 667 deliveries. Results: There was one case for 1 735 deliveries. The most common age group was between 31-35 (35.90%). 76.92% occurred between 37 and 41 weeks. 69.23% of the patients had not undergone previous uterine surgery. Oxytocics were used in 53.85%. Parity was not a significant factor. Total hysterectomy was performed in 38.46%. There were 3 maternal (7.69%) and 21 perinatal deaths (53.85%). Conclusions: Uterine rupture complicated one out of 1 735 deliveries. Oxytocics use during labor is associated with uterine rupture, even without surgical uterine scar. Maternal and perinatal mortality rates are high.

Keywords : Pregnancy; Maternal mortality; Perinatal mortality; Uterine rupture; Uterus.

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