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Gaceta Médica de Caracas

Print version ISSN 0367-4762


RAVELO CELIS, José Antonio. Avances en el diagnóstico del cáncer de la mama: Importancia de la pesquisa y diagnóstico precoz. Reflexiones sobre el problema enVenezuela. Gac Méd Caracas [online]. 2001, vol.109, n.3, pp.389-417. ISSN 0367-4762.

SUMMARY Early diagnosis of breast cancer is a main progress in modern medicine. We resume advances in clinic, risk factors, radiology, pathology, in situ carcinoma and sub clinic lesions. Results of screening trials using mammography in others countries, decreasing mortality, pros and cons. We analyse the problem in Venezuela and call attention over the great number of advanced lesions seen in our public hospitals in contrast with private institutions only accessible at high costs. We stress for a State police regarding cancer problem, through the Academia National de Medicina and emphasize the importance of private cooperation in education and resources.

Keywords : Breast cancer; Screening; Mortality; Public Hospitals.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish