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versión impresa ISSN 0378-1844


MANRIQUE, Antonio José  y  THIMANN, Rafael Ernesto. Coffee (coffea arabica) pollination with africanized honeybees in venezuela. INCI [online]. 2002, vol.27, n.8, pp.414-416. ISSN 0378-1844.

In order to evaluate the pollination potential of Africanized honeybees, 10 hives were placed between rows of a coffee (Coffea arabica L.) plantation at "El Laurel" Experimental Station, of the Central University of Venezuela, Miranda State, Venezuela. Secondary branches were selected randomly from 60 adult plants. Yields from uncovered (T1) and mesh covered (T2) branches, as well as from uncovered branches located 1km away from the hives (T3) were compared. Number of flowers blooming per branch, mature grains per branch and weight of the wet/dry grains harvested were recorded. The numbers of mature grains relative to flowers showed differences (p<0.05) with percentages of 91.6 (T1), 82.6 (T2) and 86.9 (T3). Differences (p<0.05) were found in wet weight (g/grain) with values of 2.05 (T1), 1.71 (T2) and 1.83 (T3). Highly significant differences (p<0.01) were found for dry weight (g/grain) with values of 0.45 (T1), 0.37 (T2) and 0.41 (T3). The results suggest that the use of honeybees as coffee plant pollinators increases the percentage of mature grains/ branches; thus increasing yields.

Palabras clave : Africanized Honey Bees ; Pollination ; Coffee .

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