versión impresa ISSN 0378-1844
OCHOA, Guido et al. Caracterización de tierras de la unidad experimental, reserva forestal de ticoporo, Barinas, Venezuela, con fines de ordenamiento. INCI [online]. 2005, vol.30, n.4, pp.221-227. ISSN 0378-1844.
An area of 24000ha in the Experimental Unit of the Ticoporo Forestry Reserve, Barinas state, Venezuela, was evaluated. Most of the soils of these lands are weakly developed: Entisols, Inceptisols and Molisols (17506ha) and moderately developed: Alfisols (6498ha). Areas for potential development of agroforestry and silvopasture were defined, based on a soil map 1:20000, and taking into account such parameters as vegetation, climate, life zone and geomorphology. A number of use features were also considered from a qualitative point of view: plot size, labor force, ownership and crops. On such basis, current land use capacity in the agroforestry system area consists of class II (8385.2ha), class III (5445.6ha), class IV (3674.9ha) and class V (6866.4ha). For the silvopasture system class II land covers 10195.9ha, class III 3703.3ha and classes IV and V cover 10205.7ha.
Palabras clave : Agroforestal; Capacidad de Uso de la Tierra; Llanos Altos Occidentales; Silvopastoril.