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vol.56 número2Efectos de la exposición ocupacional a plaguicidas sobre la calidad del semen en trabajadores de una comunidad agrícola del estado Mérida, Venezuela.Expresión de cadherinas E y P en los tipos moleculares de cáncer de mama índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Investigación Clínica

versão impressa ISSN 0535-5133


FERRER, Rosa et al. Novel central dopaminergic agents derived from atypical di-substituted 2-aminoindane-4, 7. Synthesis and central pharmacological profile. Invest. clín [online]. 2015, vol.56, n.2, pp.137-154. ISSN 0535-5133.

In recent decades, many compounds with central dopaminergic activity have been designed, synthesized and evaluated pharmacologically. However, it has not been possible to obtain a drug able to improve or cure diseases involving dopaminergic regulation in the central nervous system, such as Parkinson’s disease and schizophrenia, among others. Taking into consideration the term “atypical pharmacophore” and from the compound 5, the aralkyl fragment was incorporated, and the compounds 10, 11, 13a-h and 14a-h were synthesized. Both the compounds 10 and 13a-h under its methoxylated form and the compounds 11 and 14a-h under the phenolic form, were evaluated to determine their pharmacologically agonistic and antagonistic  effects on central dopaminergic activity. For this, the effect of intracerebroventricular injection of said compounds on the hydromineral balance and stereotyped behavior in rats, was determined. The results of the preliminary pharmacological evaluation show a centrally acting action through dopamine mechanisms, in which the compounds 10, 11, 13d-h and 14a showed responses as agonists, whereas compounds 14b-h, had responses as antagonists.

Palavras-chave : atypical di-substituted 2-Aminoindane-4, 7; dopaminergic agents.

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