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vol.27 número1Estrés y vitaminas antioxidantes en pacientes diabeticos Tipo 2Determinación del colesterol no-HDL, en pacientes diabéticos e hipertensos índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacología y Terapéutica

versión impresa ISSN 0798-0264


FOUILLIOUX, Christian et al. Variables hemodinamicas versus hormonas endoteliales en hipertensos y diabéticos tipo 2 con disfunción endotelial. AVFT [online]. 2008, vol.27, n.1, pp.65-75. ISSN 0798-0264.

Leptin is a 167 aminoacid long peptidic hormone, secreted by adipose tissue. Works mainly in the hypothalamus a thirst signal, but given its closed connections with inflammatory and endothelial systems, also has been described that it may exert a regulatory control over blood pressure (BP), interacting with NO (nitric oxide) and CRP (C reactive protein). The CPT (cold pressor test) is a simple test that indirectly determines endothelial dysfunction. Objectives: In this work, biochemical indicators (CRP, leptin and ON) and hemodynamical indicators (systolic and diastolic BP) were performed and evaluated in hypertensives, type 2 diabetics and control subjects, during a single CPT for assessment of endothelial dysfunction. Methods: A total of 43 subjects, males and females aged 25-60 years and divided in three groups: 15 healthy volunteers, 13 hypertensives and 15 patients with type 2 diabetes were included in the study. A complete clinical history was obtained from each subject and a complete physical examination, including an electrocardiogram was carried out. During the assay of 30 minutes, 0.9% saline was infused intravenously. CPT was performed to assess the cardiovascular reactivity at minute 15. The cardiovascular variables (systolic and diastolic BP) were measured in minute 0, 16 and 30. In addition, serum variables were extracted at the beginning and in the end of the experiment and statistical analysis was performed. Results: CPT caused in all subjects a significant increase of BP and pulse. There were no significant differences to CPR and leptin in all groups, although we observed significant differences for nitric oxide (p < 0.05). Sensibility and specificity for all biochemical variables resulted in non significant statistical or clinical importance as markers of endothelial dysfunction, however a positive association was found when leptin and NO were evaluated together (sensibility: 20%; specificity: 80%). Conclusion: CRP, leptin and NO did not shown any direct and significant association with the hemodynamical variables in this study, although a relationship was noted between NO according to group and biochemical variables when studied altogether.

Palabras clave : Hypertension; type 2 diabetes; leptin; C reactive protein; nitric oxide.

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