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Revista de la Facultad de Medicina

versión impresa ISSN 0798-0469


SANCHEZ, EE. Desintegrinas en Veneno de Serpientes: un nuevo enfoque en el tratamiento de las enfermedades Cardiovasculares, Cáncer, Diábetes. RFM [online]. 2004, vol.27, n.1, pp.10-14. ISSN 0798-0469.

ABSTRACT: Integrins mediate cells adhesion to extracellular matrix, or cells to cells through ligands. The cell adherence can be a homotypic aggregation of similar cells or a hetrotypic aggregation of various cellular types. It is outlined, that the function of the integrins implies much more that the cellular adherence. Integrins are implied in transduction, which plays an important role in many physiological processes such as the embryonic development, differentiation, cellular migration, curative activities of the inflammation, coagulation and tumorigenesis.     Snakes of the Viperidae family have a class of proteins of low molecular weight called disintegrins in their venoms. These molecules have shown be potent inhibitors of the fibrinogen attachment to the platelets. It has been demonstrated that the disintegrins can recognize integrins receptors on platelets and other tissues. Therefore, they could have potential applications in medicine. Disintegrins have a high homology with the sequence and selectivity in their interactions with integrin receptors on cells.

Palabras clave : Disintegrins; Integrins; Viperidae Snakes; Venoms.

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