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Revista de la Facultad de Medicina
versión impresa ISSN 0798-0469
BLANCO, G. Estrés Laboral y Salud en las Enfermeras Instrumentistas. RFM [online]. 2004, vol.27, n.1, pp.29-35. ISSN 0798-0469.
ABSTRACT: The objetive of this study was to describe and to analyce the relationship between the Job-stress and the household labor in surgical nurses health; in order to know how extra laboral variables affect work and health in this kind of nurses that work at Hospital of the Metropolitan area of Caracas. The participants were 54 surgical nurses that works in 5 Hospital of Caracas and their ages are among 37 years old. These variables were evaluated through self-report and its included: Job-stress (demand-control, decision capacity and social support) household labor, physical and mental health. This nurses group had high job demands but at the same time they had a great capacity of decision and social support. At home, we observe that these women had a big capacity to plan and manager the household, but they had to do it they need extra help from relative, housekeeper and also including their partner. The high job demands are associated with higher symptoms reported as well as they have a big capacity of decision that comes from their high self assurance and less level of depression and in relation to the social support it can be associated with less symptoms reported. The datum of this study are related with others not only at the international but also local environments, because of these datum its possible to show the relationship between job stress and health in this group of nurses and how they affect their lifes thats why its so important to know.
Palabras clave : Job stress; Women health; Surgical nurses.