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vol.27 número1Evaluación de los Parametrios UterinosAlteraciones Bioquímicas en conejos alimentados con Aceite de Palma y Maíz y su Relación con los hallazgos morfológicos índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de la Facultad de Medicina

versión impresa ISSN 0798-0469


SANCHEZ B, C et al. Factores de riesgos para Infecciones Urinarias Bajas en Embarazadas Mayo 1999-Marzo 2000. RFM [online]. 2004, vol.27, n.1, pp.42-45. ISSN 0798-0469.

ABSTRACT: The increase of the number of urinary infections in pregnancy is conditioned by the anatomophysiological changes that take place during this period. There are many susceptibility factors that lead to women suffering this pathology while she is pregnant, such as age, how many times that woman have been pregnant, sexual activity during pregnancy, how many months into the pregnancy she is. This work examined the relation between these risk factors and pregnancy.     Case and control study has been carried out, mainly descriptive. The universe to study were 206 pregnant, who attended the pregnant consultation at the Hospital Universitario de Caracas, from may 1999 to march 2000. To find out it, it has been made in guest for select groups and the revision of the medial history of those females.     It was found that in pregnant between 20 and 25 years old there is mayor percentage of urinary infections (31%), as well as in women in the second trimester of the pregnancy (41,9%) and in those women that have been pregnant more than once. The P found has shown that these percentages have a statistical signification, because the P found was more than 0.05 in each case. This study also has demonstrated that the sexual activity has a relation with the percentage of development of urinary infections, but the P found has shown that there is not a statistical signification in this finding. This study also has shown that a pathological urinary sample is not enough to diagnostic ate urinary tract infections during pregnancy.

Palabras clave : infection; infection urinary; pregrant.

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