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vol.27 número1Factores de riesgos para Infecciones Urinarias Bajas en Embarazadas Mayo 1999-Marzo 2000Evaluación y comparación de la Sensibilidad Insulínica por dos modelos matemáticos: Homeostasis Model Assessment (Homa) y Quantitative Insulin-Sensitivity Check Index (Quicki) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de la Facultad de Medicina

versión impresa ISSN 0798-0469


ASTER, MT; SCORZA, T; GALLARDO, L  y  HAMANA, N. Alteraciones Bioquímicas en conejos alimentados con Aceite de Palma y Maíz y su Relación con los hallazgos morfológicos. RFM [online]. 2004, vol.27, n.1, pp.46-53. ISSN 0798-0469.

ABSTRACT: An inverse relationship has been settled down among the total plasmatic cholesterol and the fatty acids saturated in the diet. To investigate the effect of diets with different quantities of fatty acids on the plasmatic lipoproteins and their relationship with morphological modifications in aorta, rabbits were fed during 4 months with three types of diets: I Conejarina® (control). II Conejarina® supplemented with palm oil (10%) whose relationship unsaturated: saturated (I:S) fue1:1, III Conejarina® supplemented with corn oil and relationship I:S 6:1. At the 4 months, the animals were exanguinated for heart punction, the aorta extracted for histological studies. The results showed that the diets II and III elevated the plasmatic cholesterol significantly, the diet III increased the triglycerides and the II increased the HDLc. In conclusion: the palm and corn oils at 10% produce increase of the plasmatic cholesterol of same magnitude but histological lesions less intense in the group of palm oil.

Palabras clave : Palm oil; corn oil; lipoproteins; histological lesions.

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