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vol.27 número1Alteraciones Bioquímicas en conejos alimentados con Aceite de Palma y Maíz y su Relación con los hallazgos morfológicosCasuística de las Frácturas Diafisarias tratadas con Enclavado Endomedular Bloqueado. Hospital Vargas de Caracas, Enero 1999 a Octubre 2001 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de la Facultad de Medicina

versión impresa ISSN 0798-0469


OBREGON, O; CASTRO, J  y  LARES, M. Evaluación y comparación de la Sensibilidad Insulínica por dos modelos matemáticos: Homeostasis Model Assessment (Homa) y Quantitative Insulin-Sensitivity Check Index (Quicki). RFM [online]. 2004, vol.27, n.1, pp.54-57. ISSN 0798-0469.

ABSTRACT: Atherosclerosis process in diabetic patients occurs early and with severity, and for this reason is important to evalute those parameters, that could interact in this process. Many methods have been used to evalute the insulin resistance, such as; the Clamp Euglicémico-Hiperinsulinémico. However, it is not a practical and cheap method for population studies. Then, it has been developments new alternative methods for their estimation, using mathematical models such as; Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA) and Quantitative Insulin-Sensitivity Check Index (QUICKI). This research was lead in order to establish reference values of insulin resistance of HOMA and QUICKI, in two populations. First one, with normal population (n=30) between 25-30 years old and the second was a diabetic patients population (n=25) between 25-50 years old. These indexes (HOMA and QUICKI) are significantly high in the diabetic patients, and they allow to evaluate simple and quikly the resistance to the insulin in population studies.

Palabras clave : Diabetes; Insulin resistance; Mathematical models.

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