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Revista de la Facultad de Medicina
versión impresa ISSN 0798-0469
CEBALLOS, G; GUGLIEMO, G DI y CHAKAL B, F. Experiencias con fijadores externos Dynafix en fracturas abiertas en el Hospital Central de San Cristóbal. Año 2000 - 2002. RFM [online]. 2004, vol.27, n.1, pp.62-68. ISSN 0798-0469.
ABSTRACT: The external fixation has become some of the indispensable techniques for the handling of the complicated fractures that has to the hand all surgeon orthopedist. In this experience 51 patients were evaluated that presented fractures open of long bones among the years 2000-2002; which were treated mainly with External Fixer, uniplanar not transfixiante type Dynafix, being this in most of the cases the definitive treatment, what drives to a decrease of costs, as much for the patient as for the institution, also presenting a minimum of complications in the postoperative one. The mechanism of high energy caused by accidents of I traffic and/or firearm represents 88% of the cases, affecting to 54.9% to the economically active population, specifically to the sex masculine 60.8%, we find a low percentage in processes infectious 9.8% in relation to the literature, the frequently affected bony segment was the Femur 51.10%, 76.5% of the cases, the treatment you culminates with fixer external type Dynafix.
Palabras clave : External fixer; External tutor; Fracture open; Dynafix.