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vol.27 número1Experiencias con fijadores externos Dynafix en fracturas abiertas en el Hospital Central de San Cristóbal. Año 2000 - 2002Farmacovigilancia y hábitos de consumo de medicamentos en los estudiantes de la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad Central de Venezuela índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de la Facultad de Medicina

versión impresa ISSN 0798-0469


RENGIFO, CA; NAVAS, C; DUARTE, I  y  MARTINEZ, MT. Responsablidad etica y legal en la referencia médica, de pacientes trasladados al Servicio de Toxicología del Hospital de Coche. RFM [online]. 2004, vol.27, n.1, pp.69-73. ISSN 0798-0469.

ABSTRACT: An evaluative investigation with bibliographical and documentary basis was realized, of the content of 249 references of transferred patients from other hospitals to the Toxicology Service of the Hospital Periférico de Coche de Caracas between the months January to December of the 2001. Results: The 5 first causes to justify the transfer were: 32,3% without diagnosis, 16.1% scorpion envenomation, 11.2% poisoning with medicines, 10.7% poisoning with chemical agents and 7.0% by acute alcoholism. 61.4% did not receive medical treatment and 27.7% impropriate treatment. In 182 cases was not possible to identify the doctor who elaborated the reference. Conclusions: There are faults in the provision of the necessary information so that another doctor can continue medical assistance, as it is stipulated in the Law of the Exercise of the Medicine, omission that was independent of the reference center (educational, private or ambulatory hospital). With respect to the diagnoses and treatment denotes in many cases inexperience and negligence in the medical act.

Palabras clave : Medical reference; toxicology service; mal praxis; Law of the Exercise of the Medicine; Code of Medical Deontology; diagnoses and treatment.

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